Ew. Ok I’ve been told I look like a few celebrities in my time, like that girl from the Lost in Space movie. That one I just kinda was like, eh, whatever. But this one I just heard…. Ew no! No I don’t!
I tried to stay up all night last night working on the poster, but gave up around 3:30 because I was having some kind of freaky allergy attack. I hardly ever have problems with my allergies – why now, of all times for them to start? My eyes started itching and I couldn’t stop sneezing. It went on that way for two hours before I got so tired from rubbing my eyes (and they were so puffy it was hard to see out of them) that I gave up and went to bed.
I had to cancel my hair appt for today so I can work on the poster. sigh. I also have a paper due tomorrow.
Anyway, my POINT was, because I was so tired, when my alarm went off this morning (EARLY this morning) for me to get up and take my cousin to school… I slept right through it. I didn’t even think about it when I finally got up at nine… walked in the living room and saw him. I was like, “oh poopie.”
While I’m complaining, yesterday they had a freaking Earth Day celebration at The Shell. Which would be kinda cool, if my school weren’t RIGHT next to The Shell, and if those music festival hippies wouldn’t take up all our PARKING!! We hardly have any to begin with. I had to park far, far away. It was like a 20 minute walk back up to the school building. GAAAAH it’s not fair…
My paris project is due friday, poster is due tomorrow, paper is due tomorrow, and Faust posters are due tuesday. (and another paper due the 30th) Paris & faust have to be framed. Poster has to be spliced and mounted. *beats head against the wall*
On a brighter note, I bought some neat stuff on ebay:
-Galadriel action figure. If you’ve ever wondered what kind of underwear elves wear, get this action figure. The answer: NOTHING! Galadriel goes commando!!
-Arwen action figure. I never got it when it first came out, and now they’re repackaging some of the older ones, so I got her. She doesn’t have the horse, but oh well. For some strange reason, her necklace lights up… um… I guess the execs at the toy company were like, “We need something to light up. What can we make light up?”
-Vintage Star Wars fabric. I have been lusting after some vintage star wars fabric since I saw some at MidSouthCon in March. I found some on ebay. I believe I’ll make a pillow with it.
-Rebel Alliance vinyl sticker. I wanted it for my car. I took down my Belldandy sticker and now I’m all Star Wars-ed up in the car.
And the new phone makes me happy.